Drinking from a fire hose.

Today is my one year anniversary since joining Element AI and "drinking from a fire hose" is the only expression I feel accurately describes my incredible ride over the last 365 days.

Introducing the 168 Time Budget

The fact that most of us budget money and not time has always intrigued me. Money is an elastic resource that is figuratively infinite. Time, however, is finite; we can't make more of it, once it is gone, it is gone. 168 hours a week. That is all we have. You, me, Elon Musk, Oprah … Continue reading Introducing the 168 Time Budget

The End of an Era.

The theme of this year’s TED conference was The Future You. Its relevance was striking as I flew home from sharing a mind-expanding week in NYC with my beloved TEDx tribe. Over the course of TEDFest, during the moments between powerful talks, I was overcome with profound gratitude mixed with a deep sadness as I … Continue reading The End of an Era.